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Awarding Organisation
Awards Objectives

1. To recognise individual or/and organisations who have contributed and demonstrated excellence in enhancing image, performance and improvement of the construction industry

2. To provide a platform for healthy competition amongst industry players in the quest for excellence by showcasing best practices in project implementation

3. Strengthening the construction industry players, both domestically and internationally

This award aims to give recognition to Malaysian construction services providers who have achieved outstanding and credible recognition in overseas construction ventures with project value exceeding RM100 million.

Eligibility Criteria

1. This category opened to developers/contractors/consultant/ suppliers and/or manufacturers of construction material. However, contractors must have a valid registration with CIDB.
2.  Developers/contractors/consultant/ suppliers and/or manufacturers participating in this category  shall have one or more completed international project and have obtained the relevant Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC) of work or equivalent between 01 July 2016 to 31 Decamber 2023.
3. Percentage of equity for Malaysian contractor must exceed 30% for joint venture company.
4. Project which have previously been assessed in past MCIEA’s are not qualified for submission in MCIEA 2024.


In addition to Trophies and Certificate of Excellence, the Award recipients will have the benefit of enjoying the following incentives:
1.    Permission to use the MCIEA Award logo in their publications for a period of 1 year, effective from the date of receiving the Award.
2.    Free publicity of their products and services in CIDB publications for a period of 1 year, effective from the date of receiving the Award.
3.    Publicity in CIDB website and other media platforms.
4.    40 CCD points awarded for contractors.
5.    Selected recipients maybe invited to share their experience and knowledge in any CIDB platform.

Application Procedures

Please read the following rules before preparing and submitting your entry/entries. Failure to comply may lead to disqualification.


All participants applying for the MCIEA 2024 Awards are required to submit online entry at https:〃

Applicants may participate in more than one category.

Entry form must have been duly completed, signed and dated by the applicant, failing which the submission will be automatically disqualified.

CIDB shall have the sole and final decision in the acceptance or disqualification of any entry.


The form must be completed and attached with supporting documents required for participation.

Participants/nominees may be required to furnish or submit additional documents and materials as required for further evaluation. Short-listed entries may be required to give a formal presentation to the Panel of Assessors.

Photographs submitted must be provided in soft copy in JPEG format with minimum of 200 dpi resolution. Materials and photographs submitted to CIDB will not be returned.

Closing date
Last modified
20 June 2024