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STI Organization


S&T Organisation database was developed by MASTIC in 1998. This database stores details on organisations involved in research and development (R&D) activities as well as other S&T-related services in Malaysia.

This includes institutions of higher learning, public/private research institutes, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private companies.

The information contained in this database is obtained from the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators Survey conducted by MASTIC biennially, external publishing materials and other online resources.

National List

STI Organization Database

At Portal, The Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Organization Module is the main module that stores the details about organisations involved in research and development (R&D) and others services related to STI..

The main functions of this module are:

  • Provide information facilities for STI organisations in Malaysia.
  • Develops document upload functionality in bulk.
  • Provides information search facilities for STI organisations in Malaysia.
  • Generate reports for the purpose of monitoring reports.
  • Creating a function to upload SSM Certificates for the organisations involved.
  • MRDCS Categories Classification
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Let’s Look About Our STI Organization Statistic

Here are the distribution data by STI Organization Categories select by our Registered Member.