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Category: F7010000 SOCIAL SCIENCE
Group: F7011600 Media and Communications
Code Name Scope Note
F7011628 Science Communication
F7011627 Public Relations and Communication
F7011626 Print Media (Including Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters)
F7011625 Political Communications
F7011624 Persuasion
F7011623 Multimedia (Including Computer-Assisted and Web-Based Approaches)
F7011622 Media, Culture and Society (Including Communication, Audience and Cultural Identity, Gender, Children and the Aged)
F7011621 Media Policies
F7011620 Media and Technology (Including Social Networking)
F7011619 Media and Language (Including Discourse and Power)
F7011618 Media and Globalisation (Including International Communication)
F7011617 Malaysian Mass Media and New Media
F7011615 Journalism
F7011614 Investor Relation
F7011613 Interpersonal Communications
F7011612 Information Studies (Including Social Science Data Management, Analysis and Interpretation)
F7011611 Information Management
F7011610 Humour (Including Sit-Coms, Movies, Print Media, Radio Talk)
F7011609 Health Communication
F7011608 Film Directing
F7011607 Film and Video
F7011606 Edutainment
F7011605 Comics Research (Including Animation, Comic Books, Comic Strips, Caricature, Cartoons, Animae, Graphic Novels, Bandes dessinees)
F7011604 Cinema
F7011603 Censorship
F7011602 Broadcasting
F7011601 Advertising (Including Globalisation)
F7011616 Librarianship
Group: F7011700 Anthropology
Code Name
F7011701 Anthropology of Arts
F7011702 Anthropology of Gender
F7011703 Anthropology of Law
F7011704 Anthropology of Religion
F7011705 Applied Anthropology
F7011706 Cultural Theory
F7011707 Death and Dying
F7011708 Demographic Anthropology
F7011709 Ecological Anthropology
F7011710 Economic Anthropology
F7011711 Ethnography
F7011712 Ethnomusicology
F7011713 Family Studies
F7011714 Forensic Anthropology
F7011715 Indigenous People
F7011716 Linguistics Anthropology
F7011717 Medical Anthropology
F7011718 Minority Groups
F7011719 Nutritional Anthropology
F7011720 Orang Asli
F7011721 Physical and Biological Anthropology
F7011722 Political Anthropology
F7011723 Psychological Anthropology
F7011724 Social and Cultural Anthropology
F7011725 Social Anthropology
F7011726 Urban Anthropology
F7011799 Other Anthropology n.e.c.
Group: F7011800 Professional Development of Law Practitioners
Code Name
F7011899 Other Professional Development of Law Practitioners n.e.c.
F7011804 Professional Ethics
F7011802 Legal Education
F7011801 Adjudication
F7011803 Legal Practice
Group: F7011900 Law Enforcement
Code Name
F7011901 Correctional Theory and Services; Penology
F7011902 Criminology
F7011903 Detection and Prevention of Crime; Security Services
F7011904 Evidence and Procedure
F7011905 Forensic Science
F7011906 Police Administration, Procedures and Practice
F7011907 Jurisdiction and Conflict
F7011999 Other Law Enforcement n.e.c.
Group: F7012000 Social Work
Code Name Scope Note
F7012014 Social Policy
F7012099 Other Social Work n.e.c.
F7012021 Volunteerism
F7012020 Violence and Injury Prevention
F7012019 Substance Abuse
F7012018 Social Work and Technology
F7012017 Social Work and Administration
F7012016 Social Support (Including Homelessness)
F7012015 Social Program Evaluation
F7012013 Single Parenthood
F7012012 Program Development
F7012010 Marriage and Marital Counseling
F7012009 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuals and Transgenders
F7012008 Juvenile and Youth
F7012007 Family Therapy
F7012006 Disaster
F7012005 Developmental Disability and Disabilities
F7012004 Counselling, Welfare and Community Services (Including Ageing, AIDS)
F7012003 Clinical Social Work Practice (Including Child Trauma)
F7012002 Child Welfare (Including Abuse, Protection, Rights, Street Children)
F7012001 Adoption
F7012011 Poverty
Group: F7012100 Cognitive Science
Code Name Scope Note
F7012103 Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning
F7012199 Other Cognitive Science n.e.c
F7012109 Psycholinguistics
F7012108 Planning and Problem Solving
F7012107 Philosophy of Cognition
F7012105 Neurocognitive Patterns and Neural Networks (Including Neurolinguistics)
F7012106 Nutrition and Cognitive Function
F7012101 Artificial Intelligence
F7012104 Linguistic Processes
F7012102 Computer Perception, Memory and Attention
Displaying 501 - 600 of 1210