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Displaying 1001 - 1100 of 2299
Group: F1071700 Computer hardware
Code Name Scope Note
F1071705 Logic design
F1071706 Memory structures
F1071707 Multi-processor
F1071708 Processor architectures
F1071709 Redundant array of independent disks (RAID)
F1071710 Control structures and microprogramming
F1071711 Register-transfer-level implementation
F1071712 Integrated circuits and devices sn: including communication equipment
F1071713 Special purpose and application based systems
F1071714 Quantum computer
F1071715 Neural network computer
F1071716 Wearable computer
F1071717 Hardware services sn: including GRID computing, web hosting, asset management services and resource sharing
F1071799 Other computer hardware n.e.c. sn: including automated production, computer equipment, sensors, modules-other processes, modules-special and attached processors, electronic office equipment, integrated systems, intelligent machine control, electronic intelligent system and manufacturing system
Group: F1071800 Communication engineering
Code Name Scope Note
F1071810 Radio communications and broadcasting
F1071899 Other communications engineering n.e.c.
F1071813 Radio frequency identification device (RFID) including malaysia microchip (MM Chip)
F1071812 Wireless technology
F1071811 Satellite communications
F1071809 Optical and photonic systems
F1071808 Modem technology
F1071806 Electro magnetic compatibility (EMC)
F1071805 Digital systems
F1071804 Computer communications networks
F1071803 Broadband network technology
F1071802 Base band technology
F1071801 Antenna technology
F1071807 Microwave and millimetrewave technology
Group: F1071900 Process design engineering
Code Name
F1071901 Design engineering
F1071902 Process simulation
F1071999 Others process design engineering
Group: F1072000 Space science and engineering
Code Name
F1072001 Celestial and orbital mechanics
F1072002 Experimental and scientific satellites
F1072003 Ionospheric and magnetospheric science
F1072004 Solar-terrestrial interaction
F1072005 Space launchers
F1072006 Space probes design and engineering
F1072099 Other space science and engineering n.e.c.
Group: F1072100 Interdiscplinary engineering
Code Name
F1072101 Fluid mechanics
F1072102 Fluidisation
F1072103 Heat and mass transfer operations
F1072104 Nanotechnology
F1072105 System engineering
F1072106 Thermodynamics
F1072107 Turbulent flows
F1072108 Non-destructive testing (NDT)
F1072109 Forensic engineering
F1072199 Other interdiscplinary engineering n.e.c.
Group: F1072200 Robotic engineering
Code Name Scope Note
F1072201 Aerial
F1072202 Biologically-inspired robot
F1072203 Field robots
F1072204 Humanoids
F1072205 Intelligent robot
F1072206 Medical
F1072207 Space and planetary
F1072208 Telerobotics and virtual reality
F1072209 Underwater
F1072210 Web-based robots
F1072299 Other robotic engineering n.e.c. sn: including robotics system
Group: F1072300 Sport sciences
Sport sciences
Group: F1072400 Advancement of knowledge engineering sciences
Advancement of knowledge engineering sciences
Group: F1079900 Other engineering sciences n.e.c.
Other engineering sciences n.e.c.
Group: F1080100 Biochemistry
Code Name Scope Note
F1080101 Bioenergetics
F1080102 Carbohydrates
F1080103 Enzymology
F1080104 Immunology
F1080105 Lipids
F1080106 Membrane biology
F1080107 Metabolic pathways
F1080108 Neurochemistry
F1080109 Nucleic acids
F1080110 Proteins
F1080111 Manufacturing instruments sn: including bioglass, biochips, biometrics and bio-reactor
F1080199 Other biochemistry n.e.c.
Group: F1080200 Genetics
Code Name
F1080201 Biochemical genetics
F1080202 Cell biology
F1080203 Comparative genetics
F1080204 Cytogenetics
F1080205 Developmental genetics
F1080206 Heredity
F1080207 Molecular genetics
F1080208 Mutagenesis
F1080209 Population genetics
F1080210 Recombinant DNA techniques
F1080211 Phylogenetics
F1080212 Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPS)
F1080299 Other genetics n.e.c.
Group: F1080300 Microbiology
Code Name
F1080302 Microbial systematic
F1080399 Other microbiology n.e.c.
F1080306 Protozoalogy
F1080305 Virology
F1080303 Mycology
F1080301 Bacteriology
F1080304 Parasitology
Group: F1080400 Botany
Code Name
F1080407 Ethnobotany
F1080499 Other botany n.e.c.
F1080406 Plant health
F1080405 Plant taxonomy
F1080403 Plant pathology
F1080401 Economic botany
Displaying 1001 - 1100 of 2299