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Category: F7010000 SOCIAL SCIENCE
Group: F7011500 Education
Code Name Scope Note
F7011502 Continuing Professional Education
F7011501 Classroom Studies (Including Teacher-Student Language)
F7011599 Other Education n.e.c.
F7011530 Testing Methodologies (Including Testing Specifications, Testing of Content Subjects and Language Skills)
F7011529 Tertiary Education
F7011528 Teacher Education
F7011527 Sports Education
F7011526 Special Education
F7011525 Sociology of Education (Including Youth Work, Identity, Gender, Social Class, Changing Contexts and Forms of Education)
F7011524 Professional Teacher Development
F7011523 Private and Public Education
F7011522 Pre-School Education
F7011521 Philosophy of Education
F7011520 Pedagogy (Including Teaching Methodologies for Content and Language Subjects)
F7011519 Non-Formal Education
F7011518 Mainstreaming of Special Groups
F7011516 Learner Autonomy (Including Language Learning)
F7011517 Life-Long Education
F7011503 Curriculum Development
F7011504 Distance Learning
F7011505 Education Counselling
F7011506 Education Policy, Management and Administration
F7011507 Education Structure
F7011508 Educational Psychology
F7011509 Educational Technology and Media
F7011510 e-Learning
F7011511 Ethics and Moral Education
F7011512 Extension Education
F7011513 History and Philosophy of Education
F7011514 Internationalisation of Education
F7011515 Language Literacy (Including English (TESOL, ESL, TEFL) and other Languages)
Group: F7011600 Media and Communications
Code Name Scope Note
F7011617 Malaysian Mass Media and New Media
F7011618 Media and Globalisation (Including International Communication)
F7011619 Media and Language (Including Discourse and Power)
F7011620 Media and Technology (Including Social Networking)
F7011621 Media Policies
F7011622 Media, Culture and Society (Including Communication, Audience and Cultural Identity, Gender, Children and the Aged)
F7011623 Multimedia (Including Computer-Assisted and Web-Based Approaches)
F7011624 Persuasion
F7011625 Political Communications
F7011626 Print Media (Including Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters)
F7011627 Public Relations and Communication
F7011628 Science Communication
F7011629 Telecommunication
F7011630 Visual Communication
F7011699 Other Media and Communication n.e.c.
F7011616 Librarianship
F7011615 Journalism
F7011614 Investor Relation
F7011613 Interpersonal Communications
F7011612 Information Studies (Including Social Science Data Management, Analysis and Interpretation)
F7011611 Information Management
F7011610 Humour (Including Sit-Coms, Movies, Print Media, Radio Talk)
F7011609 Health Communication
F7011608 Film Directing
F7011607 Film and Video
F7011606 Edutainment
F7011605 Comics Research (Including Animation, Comic Books, Comic Strips, Caricature, Cartoons, Animae, Graphic Novels, Bandes dessinees)
F7011604 Cinema
F7011603 Censorship
F7011602 Broadcasting
F7011601 Advertising (Including Globalisation)
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