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Category: F7010000 SOCIAL SCIENCE
Group: F7010300 Sociology
Code Name
F7010328 Sociology of Disaster
F7010320 Social Impact Assessment
F7010321 Social Informatics
F7010322 Social Justice
F7010323 Social Stratification
F7010324 Social Theory
F7010325 Sociology of Child and Youth
F7010326 Sociology of Consumption
F7010327 Sociology of Development
F7010302 Consumerism
F7010329 Sociology of Education
F7010330 Sociology of Family
F7010331 Sociology of Health
F7010332 Sociology of Law
F7010333 Sociology of Religion
F7010334 Sociology of Technology
F7010335 Sociology of Work
F7010399 Other Sociology n.e.c.
F7010318 Social Capital
F7010319 Social Gerontology
F7010301 Class Studies
F7010303 Death and Dying
F7010304 Developmental Sociology
F7010305 Environmental Sociology
F7010306 Ethnic Studies
F7010307 Family Studies
F7010308 Fatwa and Society
F7010309 Future and Foresight Studies
F7010311 Islamisation of Sociology
F7010312 Late-Life Family
F7010313 Medical Sociology
F7010314 Multiethnicity and Pluralism
F7010315 Poverty, Social Welfare, and Social Policy
F7010316 Retirement Planning
F7010317 Rural Sociology
F7010310 Gender Studies
Group: F7012000 Social Work
Code Name Scope Note
F7012012 Program Development
F7012013 Single Parenthood
F7012014 Social Policy
F7012015 Social Program Evaluation
F7012016 Social Support (Including Homelessness)
F7012017 Social Work and Administration
F7012018 Social Work and Technology
F7012019 Substance Abuse
F7012020 Violence and Injury Prevention
F7012021 Volunteerism
F7012099 Other Social Work n.e.c.
F7012011 Poverty
F7012010 Marriage and Marital Counseling
F7012009 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuals and Transgenders
F7012008 Juvenile and Youth
F7012007 Family Therapy
F7012006 Disaster
F7012005 Developmental Disability and Disabilities
F7012004 Counselling, Welfare and Community Services (Including Ageing, AIDS)
F7012003 Clinical Social Work Practice (Including Child Trauma)
F7012002 Child Welfare (Including Abuse, Protection, Rights, Street Children)
F7012001 Adoption
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