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Displaying 1801 - 1900 of 1983
Category: S20600 MANUFACTURING
Group: S20619 Milling and process materials
Code Name
S2061901 Conversion into value-added products
S2061902 Cost-effective process for existing products
S2061903 Fibre reinforced concrete
S2061904 High strength concrete
S2061905 In field treatment process
S2061906 Lightweight concrete
S2061907 On-line quality indicator and minimal waste
S2061908 Pilot testing
S2061909 Pre-strength concrete
S2061910 Pre-stressed concrete
S2061911 Production modelling
S2061912 Smart window
S2061913 Technology packaging
S2061914 Technology packaging
S2061915 Validating technology
S2061916 Zero-waste technology
S2061999 Other milling and process materials
Group: S20620 Synthesis and design of fine and speciality chemicals
Code Name
S2062001 Chiral compound
S2062002 Drug intermediates from indigenous sources
S2062003 Expired patent chemicals
S2062004 Heat resistant/ flame retarding chemicals
S2062005 Large martial molecules
S2062006 Liquid crystal
S2062007 Newer reagents
S2062008 Personal care products and cosmetics
S2062099 Other synthesis and design of fine and chemicals
Group: S20699 Other manufactured products not elsewhere classified
Other manufactured products not elsewhere classified
Category: S20700 CONSTRUCTION
Group: S20701 Planning
Code Name
S2070101 Civil building
S2070102 Commercial building
S2070103 Construction
S2070104 Industrial building
S2070105 Residential
S2070199 Other construction planning
Group: S20702 Design
Code Name
S2070201 Bridge
S2070202 Civil building
S2070203 Commercial building
S2070204 Construction
S2070205 Industrial building
S2070206 Residential
S2070299 Other construction design
Group: S20703 Construction processes
Code Name
S2070301 Civil building construction processes
S2070302 Commercial building construction processes
S2070303 Housing construction processes
S2070304 Industrial building construction processes
S2070399 Other construction processes
Group: S20704 Building management and services
Code Name
S2070401 Architectural acoustic
S2070402 Civil building management services
S2070403 Commercial building management services
S2070404 Housing management services
S2070405 Industrial building management services
S2070406 Structural products (wall/floor tiles, roofing tiles)
S2070499 Other building management and services
Group: S20799 Other construction not elsewhere classified
Other construction not elsewhere classified
Category: S20800 TRANSPORT
Group: S20801 Ground transport
Code Name
S2080101 Rail transport
S2080102 Rail & road ride
S2080103 Road safety
S2080104 Road transport
S2080199 Other ground transport
Group: S20802 Water transport
Code Name
S2080201 Coastal water transport
S2080202 Inland water transport
S2080203 International sea transport
S2080299 Other water transport
Group: S20803 Air & space transport
Air & space transport
Group: S20899 Other transport not elsewhere classified
Other transport not elsewhere classified
Group: S20901 Computer software and services
Code Name
S2090101 Application (software) packages & tools
S2090102 Application system utilities
S2090103 Communication on services
S2090104 Computer aided manufacturing(CAM)
S2090105 Computer animation and digital arts
S2090106 Edutainment
S2090107 Information processing services
S2090108 Integrated and expert system for designing
S2090109 Multimedia content
S2090199 Other computer software and services
Group: S20902 Information services (including library)
Code Name
S2090201 Information services (misc.)
S2090202 Library services
S2090299 Other information services
Group: S20903 Communication services
Code Name
S2090301 Broadcasting
S2090302 Postal communication
S2090303 Telecommunication
S2090304 Tele-education
S2090399 Other communication
Group: S20999 Other Information and communication services not elsewhere classified
Other Information and communication services not elsewhere classified
Group: S21001 Electricity, gas and water services and utilities
Code Name
S2100101 Electricity services & utilities
S2100102 Gas services & utilities
S2100103 Public services & utilities
S2100104 Water services & utilities
S2100199 Other electricity, gas and water services and utilities
Group: S21002 Waste management and recycling
Code Name
S2100201 Waste management
S2100202 Recycling
S2100299 Other waste management and recycling
Group: S21003 Wholesale and retail trade
Code Name
S2100301 Retail trade
S2100302 Wholesale trade
S2100399 Other wholesale and retail trade
Group: S21004 Finance, property and business services
Code Name
S2100401 Banking
S2100402 Commercial securities services
S2100403 Insurance services
S2100404 Investment services
S2100405 Professional services
S2100499 Other finance, property and business services
Displaying 1801 - 1900 of 1983