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Group: F1101000 Health services research (including bioethics)
Code Name
F1101002 Health care administration
F1101001 Bioethics
F1101099 Other health services research n.e.c.
F1101012 Child care
F1101011 Social support system
F1101010 Social care
F1101009 Maternal care
F1101008 Telemedicine
F1101007 Screening
F1101006 Mortality and morbidity studies
F1101005 Health systems management
F1101004 Health education and promotion
F1101003 Health economics
Group: F1101500 Speech and language pathology
Code Name
F1101599 Other speech and language pathology n.e.c.
F1101517 Speech and language disorders
F1101516 Speech acoustics
F1101515 Child language disorders
F1101514 Articulation & phonological disorders
F1101513 Dyslexia
F1101512 Speech dysfluency
F1101511 Cleft lip & palate
F1101510 Voice disorders
F1101509 Motor speech disorders
F1101508 Acquired language disorders
F1101507 Aural rehabilitation
F1101506 Swallowing disorders
F1101505 Speech and language assessments/tests/therapy materials
F1101504 Normal speech and language developments
F1101503 Multicultural and cross-cultural aspects of language pathology
F1101502 Linguistic analysis of language pathology
F1101501 Epidemiology of speech and language pathology
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