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Group: F1100600 Neurosciences
Code Name
F1100602 Cell receptors
F1100601 Autonomic nervous system
F1100699 Other neurosciences n.e.c.
F1100618 Neuropsychiatry
F1100617 Sleep disorders
F1100616 Degenerative diseases
F1100615 Head injury
F1100614 Migraine
F1100613 Epilepsy
F1100612 Cerebral vascular disorder
F1100610 Psychogeriatrics
F1100609 Auditory neuroscience
F1100608 Sensory systems
F1100607 Peripheral nervous system
F1100606 Molecular characterization
F1100605 Mechanism of tissue damage
F1100604 Central nervous system
F1100603 Cellular nervous system
F1100611 Cerebral palsy
Group: F1102600 Advancement of medical and health services knowledge
Code Name Scope Note
F1102617 Pharmaceutical industry
F1102618 Pharmacy
F1102619 Medical diagnostic imaging
F1102620 Speech and language pathology
F1102621 Optometry
F1102622 Audiology
F1102623 Nursing education
F1102624 Nursing management
F1102625 Auditory neuroscience
F1102626 Physiological and psychological acoustics
F1102627 Vision sciences
F1102628 Medical physics
F1102629 Health economics
F1102630 Health care financing
F1102699 Other advancement of medical and health services knowledge n.e.c.
F1102616 Health care system, industries and technologies
F1102615 Health services research (including bioethics)
F1102614 Nutrition
F1102613 Nursing
F1102612 Dietetics
F1102611 Anatomy
F1102610 Dentistry
F1102609 Radiotherapy
F1102608 Public health, environmental and occupational health and safety research
F1102607 Clinical medicine
F1102606 Neurosciences
F1102605 Physiology
F1102604 Pharmacology
F1102603 Medical microbiology
F1102602 Medical biochemistry and clinical chemistry
F1102601 Immunology
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