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MOSTI Newsletter


A newsletter publication that contain article related issue in STI and news about MOSTI

National Bibliometric Study


This study aims to identify the status of productivity and the production of knowledge in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Social Sciences at national and international level.

Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Indicators Report


This report aims to collect important data and provide detailed information on the achievement of various national STI indicators obtained from various studies.



MASTIC Newsletter (InSighTs@MASTIC)


A newsletter publication that contain article related issue in STI and new technology

We & Biotechnology Book


Light reading & informative MOSTI publication related to biotechnology sector.

MOSTI Publication Handbook


MOSTI publication to highlight compilation of success stories through MOSTI programme and MOSTI guideline for MOSTI writing.

Malaysian Human Resources in Science, Technology and Innovation (MyHRSTI)


National Research and Development (R&D) Survey


This survey aims to find out the status, trends and statistics of the national R&D for a financial year.

MOSTI Facts and Figures


A pocket reference on Malaysian scientific and technological finding, infrastructure and performance. Its provides quantitative data, particularly on research and development, innovation and Public Awareness of S&T in Malaysia.

A wide range of data is included in this S&T data book ranging the input aspects of S&T such as educations, R&D to output aspects such as patents and technology balance of payments. It includes secondary data that are collected from various ministries and private organization in the country as well as primary data that are sourced from S&T related surveys carried out by MASTIC. The three major surveys are National Survey of R&D, National Survey of Public Awareness and National Survey of Innovation.

Malaysian Research and Development Classification System (MRDCS)


MRDCS was designed for classifying and describing research activities in Malaysia to the highest detail and accuracy.



Raw Data For Research and Sciences MOSTI


Public Awareness of Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Malaysia


This survey was carried out to measure the level of understanding, awareness, interest and knowledge of the Malaysian community (individuals) in the field of STIs.

STI Facilities & Equipment Study


National Science Council


MOSTI Related Policies


National Survey of Innovation


This survey aims to measure the level of innovation activity and innovation status in the manufacturing and services sectors of Malaysia for a certain financial year.

Save & Easy Book with Innovation


An initiative through special publication to transfer and spreading knowledge STI related among public, industries and communities.

Promotional Item (Brochure, Bunting and Poster)


Variety of promotional item produced by MASTIC to promote MASTIC products and services.